Neil Peaslee Jr.

Web Application Developer | (207) 776-3020


Extensive experience in designing and developing web applications with rich feature sets and comprehensive administrative toolkits as part of a team, individually or as team leader. Capable of developing any part of the stack from the server OS and database to the client side JavaScript, HTML and CSS.


VIP Auto, Inc. 2016-2021

Web Application Developer Auburn, ME

  • Refactored the reporting app used by executives and the managers of the 56 VIP service locations. Reduced load times from minutes to seconds. Gave operations and marketing leaders the ability to tailor reports with more data fields.
  • Created a store equipment database that store managers could use to coordinate equipment issues and repairs with the corporate office. Technologies used include: PHP, MySQL, jQuery and Bootstrap.
  • Assembled an SPA reporting platform integrated with LDAP on a Linux/Nginx/MySQL/PHP stack with VueJS frontend. Also added SSL certificates to prevent security warnings and lax practices.

Auto Europe LLC 2005 - 2016

Web Developer Portland, ME

  • Led team that designed and developed the web application and RESTfull API services that replaced a fifteen-year-old call center reservation system for car, air and hotel bookings.
  • Included a logging and bug reporting system that also proved to be essential to the XML API server team.
  • Managed weekly demonstrations of my team's progress with international attendees from Europe and Australia.
  • Traveled overseas to work with satellite offices in Munich and London to gather requirements and assist with application adoption.
  • Programmed a Delphi application to gather feeds in various formats (XML, CSV, plain text) in order to automatically update the address and hours information of car rental locations.
  • Created a language management system that supports 40 domains and 30 languages across a dozen brands. Designed the system to be maintained and extended with very little web developer time and no database administrator time. Includes a custom change control system for quick rollbacks and accountability. All while maintaining backwards compatibility.
  • Provided a custom site crawler to give marketing the means to manage site changes and find linking problems early.
  • Introduced configuration management best practices and guided team members through the process of moving essential software assets to a distributed version control configuration. 2004 - 2005

Partner, web developer, sys-ops Yarmouth, ME

  • Designed and developed several contract websites. Installed and configured complete LAMP application stack.
  • Developed a web application for volunteer sign ups for the Yarmouth Ski Team booth at the Yarmouth Clam Festival.

SMTnet.com1999 - 2004

Lead DeveloperPortland, ME

  • Designed and built a marketplace for capital equipment used in the manufacturing circuit boards.
  • Developed a Coldfusion based discussion forum for the electronics manufacturing industry.


Call center reservation system 2014-2016

  • Led team to design and build the web application and client API services for call center ops
  • Built a logging and bug reporting system that also became essential to the API server team
  • Skills developed: Scrum master, Jira/Hg/Confluence, jQuery, RESTful services

Internal Business Reporting 2016-2021

  • Rebuilt monthly reporting system to reduce wait times from minutes per report to seconds
  • Switched from primarily PHP based app to a split client-server model with Vue and REST
  • The system was then able to easily handle bespoke reports to quantify marketing responses

Equipment Database 2017

  • Built a store equipment database that store managers could use to coordinate equipment issues and repairs with the corporate office. Built using PHP, MySQL, Vue and Bootstrap
  • Set up SSL certs for all internal web traffic to prevent security warnings and lax practices

Service Provider Verification 2019

  • Designed and built web app to allow store managers to validate 3rd party cleaning/supply services which cut down on invoice errors and added accountability for quality standards

AWS cloud migrations 2024

  • Used an Amazon developer grant to move cloud assets to AWS for significant savings

Language Management System 2013

  • Significantly reduced time and effort required to maintain translations for international sites
  • Built using ColdFusion and Informix on server side and HTML and jQuery on client side

Job board 2004

  • Developed a sign-up web application for the fried clam booth at the Yarmouth Clam Festival


University of Southern Maine 2000

Bachelor of Science in Computer SciencePortland & Gorham, ME

Technical Skills

Languages & Protocols: JavaScript, PHP, HTML, CSS, C, C++, Python, ColdFusion, Delphi, JSON, REST, XML
Frameworks & Build Tools: Vue JS, Symfony, Composer, Webpack, jQuery, Bootstrap, React, node.js, npm
Databases: MySQL, Postresql, Informix, RDS, MongoDB, GraphQL, Microsoft SQL, MS Access
Tools: VSCode, IntelliJ, Linux, AWS, NGINX, Apache, IIS, Mercurial, Git, Subversion, Jira, Confluence